Whoaa! I did not know that the present state of Greece was all due to us again! The reason why Greece falters now, according to the gentleman below, is due to the fact that Greece has been run like an Ottoman eyalet. I knew that someone would develop the genius to put the blame on us again...
Quoted from http://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/_w_articles_wsite3_1_03/10/2011_409206:
ekathimerini.com | On taxes, Australian emigration, artifacts, education, economics, politics
Dream on
Papandreou says the mistakes of the past should not preclude trust in the future. This banker says return to the drachma would take Greece back decades.
The Greek system has been mired in the Ottoman past for almost 600 years. Independent Greece was still run like an Ottoman state. Greece went into Europe by cheating Ottoman-style. Do Greeks have the collective will to extricate themselves from that system (you know “rousfeti,” “paketa,” patronage, the black economy) that they have been running for 600 years? It may take not one or two elections but one or two generations, at least.
Have the Greeks got it in them? Even in 1940 and 41 they bravely and heroically fought the Italians and then the Germans for eight months. Then they fought each other for eight years.
Papandreou asks the Germans to trust the Greeks to come together on this and forget history. The precedents however are not promising.
Philip Andrews